Eine ausführliche Beschreibung, was ich mit diesem Script mache, gibt es in meinem Blog, [siehe hier](https://natenom.de/2024/01/wofuer-ich-mein-hugo-helper-python-script-verwende-und-wo-man-es-findet/).
- VSCode (optional and only used to open a new created page bundle)
## Installation
- Install dependencies (Python modules and tools).
- Create `~/.config/hgh/` and copy `hgh.json` into this directory.
- Create `~/.cache/hgh/` directory.
- Move `hgh.py` file and `templates` directory to anywhere on your system.
- In `hgh.json` config file adapt at least: (Do not use `~` for paths within the config file.)
- "settings" -> "template_path"
- "settings" -> "shell" (default: /bin/bash)
- "settings" -> "bin_editor" (default: micro)
- "sites" -> everything…
- run `hgh.py --printconfig` or `hgh.py --site xyz -cdw` for testing..
## Find tags and/or categories
To get a list of tags and categories used within a website, run from time to time:
hgh.py --site xyz --create-tags-categories-caches
This creates two cache files with counts of tags and categories. See `sites -> "list_tag"` and `sites -> "list_categories"` in `hgh.json` for the file paths.
## Create Page Bundles
If you want to use creation of page bundles with `--create-pagebundle`, please adapt paths and logic in `if args.create_pagebundle:` of `hgh.py`. Without changes it works only for Natenoms blog.
## Misc
### Tipps
Um nicht dauernd `hgh.py --site blog` eingeben zu müssen, kann man einen Alias in der Shell einrichten und in die `.bashrc` eintragen: