@charset 'utf-8'; @import 'settings'; @import 'foundation'; // If you'd like to include motion-ui the foundation-rails gem comes prepackaged with it, uncomment the 3 @imports, if you are not using the gem you need to install the motion-ui sass package. // // @import 'motion-ui/motion-ui'; // We include everything by default. To slim your CSS, remove components you don't use. @include foundation-global-styles; @include foundation-xy-grid-classes; //@include foundation-grid; //@include foundation-flex-grid; @include foundation-flex-classes; @include foundation-typography; @include foundation-forms; @include foundation-button; @include foundation-accordion; @include foundation-accordion-menu; @include foundation-badge; @include foundation-breadcrumbs; @include foundation-button-group; @include foundation-callout; @include foundation-card; @include foundation-close-button; @include foundation-menu; @include foundation-menu-icon; @include foundation-drilldown-menu; @include foundation-dropdown; @include foundation-dropdown-menu; @include foundation-responsive-embed; @include foundation-label; @include foundation-media-object; @include foundation-off-canvas; @include foundation-orbit; @include foundation-pagination; @include foundation-progress-bar; @include foundation-slider; @include foundation-sticky; @include foundation-reveal; @include foundation-switch; @include foundation-table; @include foundation-tabs; @include foundation-thumbnail; @include foundation-title-bar; @include foundation-tooltip; @include foundation-top-bar; @include foundation-visibility-classes; @include foundation-float-classes; // If you'd like to include motion-ui the foundation-rails gem comes prepackaged with it, uncomment the 3 @imports, if you are not using the gem you need to install the motion-ui sass package. // // @include motion-ui-transitions; // @include motion-ui-animations;