require 'elasticsearch/model' require 'json' class Paper < ActiveRecord::Base include Elasticsearch::Model include Elasticsearch::Model::Callbacks validates_presence_of :body, :content, :name, :originator, :paper_type, :reference, :url validates_presence_of :published_at, allow_nil: true validates :url, uniqueness: true settings index: { number_of_shards: 1 } do mappings dynamic: false do indexes :name, type: :string indexes :content, type: :string indexes :resolution, type: :string indexes :paper_type, type: :string, index: :not_analyzed indexes :originator, type: :string, index: :not_analyzed end end class << self def import_from_json(json_string) old_count = count JSON.parse(json_string).each do |record| attributes = { body: record['body'], content: record['content'], name: record['name'], resolution: record['resolution'], originator: record['originator'], paper_type: record['paper_type'], published_at: record['published_at'], reference: record['reference'], url: record['url'], } record = find_or_initialize_by(url: attributes[:url]) record.update_attributes(attributes) end puts "Imported #{count - old_count} Papers!" end # use DSL to define search queries # see # and def search(q, options={}) @search_definition = do query do filtered do query do # search query unless q.blank? multi_match do query q fields ["name", "content"] end else match_all end end # filters filter do bool do must { term paper_type: options[:paper_type] } if options[:paper_type] must { match_all } unless options[:paper_type] end end end end aggregation :paper_types do terms do field 'paper_type' end end aggregation :originators do terms do field 'originator' end end end Rails.logger.debug "Query: #{@search_definition.to_json}" end def reset_index! __elasticsearch__.create_index! force: true all.each {|p| p.__elasticsearch__.index_document } end end end